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“Building a Community of Disciplined and Empowered People Transformed by the Power of God”


The Bible declares in Proverbs 29:18 

  "Where there is no Vision, the people perish…"  

Certainly these last days, in which the world that we live in, grows darker with each passing minute, it is the responsibility of the church, which exists as a light shining in darkness, to give direction or vision in the midst of this dark world.  The word says that "there shall be light in the evening time."  We glorify and praise God's name for truly the "Evening Light" has come.  God has given me a vision for revival in our communities that can only begin as we seek God's face through fasting and prayer.  (II Chronicles. 7:14)


God has shown me revival in two areas. God commissioned the prophet Ezra to return to Jerusalem to rebuild the temple.  This was a revival of spiritual worship.  Before we deal with material accomplishments, we must "seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and everything else shall be added."  We propose to promote and propagate the Gospel of Jesus Christ in every way possible.  Via radio, television, tracts, newsletters or anyway we can, we must fill this area with this Gospel of Christ and doctrine of the apostles.  As we go forth in this area, we will witness the power of God to save like never before, the Lord adding to the church like never before!!


Secondly, I see revival in the economic basis of our communities as we provide programs to minister to the needs of our people.  Jesus ministered to the whole man, and the church must do so also.  We must provide educational structured child care facilities with a Christian atmosphere to meet the needs of our children and parents today.  There is a need for Christian recreational activities for our youth, to be a positive influence on them now that their future might rest in the hope of Christ.


Friends this is only a few things the Spirit has inspired me to press forward before His coming.  I pray you will pray for the Vision's fulfillment and me as I  "Write the vision and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it."  (Habakkuk 2:2) 


Apostle Davelon R. Carr, Visionary

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